Guide to Change App Display Name on Flutter

If you ever wanted to change the name of the app that you built with the Flutter framework that shows up on the user’s device when installed, this is how you could do it.

Renaming Flutter app name on Android

On the Android side, navigate to the Android folder in your Flutter project which consists of all the files for building an Android application package which is then installed on an Android device when you make a production build.

Navigate to android > app > main > AndroidManifest.xml

How to change flutter app name android

You should see an application tag in the manifest XML file that has a tag for the name called label. Updating the android:label value changes the app name on the user’s devices. Additionally, you could use a string resource to make the name localizable for different languages.

Rename the Flutter app name for the iOS app

For the iOS application, it’s quite a similar process to thAndroidid app as well, instead of Manifest on the Android side, we use info.plist file to change the properties of an iOS application.

Navigate to ios > Runner > info.plist

How to change flutter app name ios

You will find a tag in the dictionary with the key CFBundleDisplayName which is the name that is shown to users when they install your app, modify that parameter to the name of your like and rebuild the project. This will show the new name on the next install of the application.

You could use a variable instead of hardcoding which might make it easier to change the application’s name from Xcode later. Here is how you can use a variable instead of hardcoding the name into the plist file.


use the $(EXECUTABLE_NAME) variable which dynamically gets the value from the XCode metadata on the build.

I hope this short guide helped you guys solve your issue. Cheers.

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